Ki-Shiatsu therapy – Japanese meridian therapy (Masunaga School)
Shiatsu therapy stimulates the self-healing capacity of the body, which results in lessening the symptoms of illness and increasing the vitality of the organism. Shiatsu (shi = finger; atsu = pressure) is a Japanese therapy that helps to cure several health problems, such as backache, neck and shoulder problems, stress, insomnia, digestion disorders, exhaustion etc. Majority of illnesses derive from stress caused by unsolved problems, which disturb the flow of energy of life — KI — in the organism, the energy cumulates and obstacles occur. If the energy cannot move, the obstacle deepens and so-called energy holes occur. Shiatsu therapist is trained to feel the state of the organism, especially the movement of energy with hands. The aim of shiatsu therapy is to restore the movement of the blocked energy. Shiatsu session includes the stimulation of all the major energy flow channels of the body — meridians. According to Western medicine, Shiatsu relaxes the autonomous nervous system, which results in reduction in stress and increase in stress tolerance. It improves the blood and lymph circulation, muscular strength and functionality of internal organs. Additionally, Shiatsu improves the immune system. Regular Shiatsu therapy does not only lessen the symptoms of illnesses, but has an important prophylactic effect when taking care of your health. Shiatsu therapy is conducted through clothes, so the clothing should be light and comfortable. Massage oils and table are not used. The recommended number of sessions is at least 2–3 or more, depending on the state of the organism. Sessions are repeated after every couple of weeks.
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